Privacy Policy

At Tsubaki Nakashima Co., Ltd. and our affiliated companies (hereafter referred to as “our group”), we recognize the significance of personal information and consider it our group’s social responsibility to protect it appropriately.

In relation to all of our business operations, every employee of our group strictly adheres to any laws and other regulations regarding the protection of personal information, striving to establish and continuously manage and improve our personal information protection policy.

  • Our group shall strictly adhere to the law concerning personal information protection (hereafter referred to as the “law”) and other related regulations.
  • Our group will stipulate regulations regarding the appropriate handling of personal information in collecting, using, providing it. All our employees will be informed of these regulations and enforced to adhere to them.
  • Our group will work on ensuring the security of personal information by taking appropriate security measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information we manage.
  • Our group will obtain the personal information through legal and fair means and use it only within the necessary scope of our business activities for the purpose expressly stated when obtaining it.
  • In the case where personal information our group obtain is provided to a third party, we ensure that this third party is obligated by way of agreement not to leak nor reuse the information provided except under extraordinary circumstances.
  • When requested by a client to disclose, correct, or otherwise handle the client’s personal information our group had obtained, we will respond to the request in good faith within reason. Please contact us using the contact information as provided.
  • Our group complies with Japanese law and other regulations regarding personal information protection and will continue to revise and improve the compliance program including this privacy policy.

*In reference to this privacy policy, “our group” refers to the following two corporations in Japan.

  • Tsubaki Nakashima Co., Ltd.
  • Tsubaki Steel Ball Co., Ltd.

Handling of personal information

1. Appropriate protection and management of personal information

As we are responsible for the protection and management of personal information, our group assigns a personal information management officer to safely manage personal information we obtain and provide safety measures to prevent inappropriate access or abuse, loss, destruction, tampering and leakage of the personal information it has obtained.

2. Purpose of use of personal information

Our group will obtain personal information necessary for our business operations. Our group will use the personal information within the scope of our business as listed in our articles of incorporation for the purpose stated in the following:
*In relation to our group’s business operations regarding

  1. 1Our product sales, installation, repairs, inspection, follow-up service, and maintenance
  2. 2Product support notifications
  3. 3Information of exhibitions and events
  4. 4Surveys on our business and services
  5. 5Answering and sending requested materials in response to our client’s inquiries regarding our business and services
  6. 6Implementation of other related services

3. Shared information

There are cases where our group and distributors will jointly use the information obtained for the express purposes stated above.

  1. 1Personal information to be used jointly
    1. aOur client’s name, address, TEL:, FAX:, email address, company name, department name, job title, business type, business conditions, etc.
    2. bPurchase history of our products
    3. cParticipation history of exhibitions and seminars
  2. 2Limits to joint use of information
    Our group and our distributors
  3. 3Purpose of use
    The same as above

4. Provision of personal information to third parties

In the following cases, our group may provide personal information we obtained to third parties:

  1. 1Cases when we are required by law and regulations or in which such disclosure is legally required by the court and other government agencies that have legitimate authority
  2. 2When we have our client’s permission
  3. 3When the whole or part of our group’s business was succeeded by another company.
  4. 4Cases where it is required to protect a person’s life or property but difficult to gain our clients’ permission
  5. 5When outsourcing the handling of personal information

5. Outsourcing the handling of personal information

In cases where the handling of personal information is outsourced to a third party, our group will select appropriate agents on the condition that they have the management structure to ensure appropriate personal information protection before concluding a nondisclosure agreement regarding the handling of personal information with these agents. Furthermore, our group will supervise them with appropriate attention.

The individual shall be notified of whether suspension etc. was carried out or not and the reason for it.

6. Suspension of use or deletion of personal information

Please contact us using the following contact information when requesting disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion and other handling of personal information obtained by our group.
Upon verifying the client’s identity or confirming the client’s affiliation to a company or organization, we will carry out your request in good faith within reasonable time and scope.
Please understand that some of our group’s services may not be available after suspending the use of, or erasing or deleting personal information.

TEL 0745-48-2891 FAX 0745-48-6583
Tsubaki Nakashima Co., Ltd. General Affairs Department
19, Shakudo, Katsuragi, Nara 639-2162, Japan