Basic Policy on Corporate Governance
The company believes corporate governance is one of the most important management issues as our basic management policy is to continue profitable growth and contribute to society.
The executive officers responsible for business execution are separated from the board of directors, which accounts for half of the external directors, to enhance the agility and flexibility of business execution while supervising the executive officers from the board of directors.
In addition, we have established three committees, the Nomination Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Audit Committee, which account for the majority of outside directors. As a result of this, we ensure “separation of supervision and execution” and enhance management transparency.
Diagram of Corporate Governance System

Whistleblowing System
Tsubaki Nakashima Co., Ltd.(“TN”) has established whistleblowing rules, thoroughly disseminated them within the company, and has established an internal consultation desk and an external hotline (lawyer) to receive reports and consultations from employees and respond appropriately. At the same time, TN has established a system that allows whistleblowers to use them with peace of mind by thoroughly maintaining confidentiality for the protection of whistleblowers. In addition, TN makes efforts to maintain and improve sensitivity to compliance by regularly conducting training for executives and employees.
TN registered its whistleblowing system under Japan’s Consumer Affairs Agency’s “Whistleblowing Compliance Management System (WCMS)” from October 23, 2020 to October 22, 2022 to make it more effective as well.
TN’s policy is to continue profitable growth and to contribute to the society, and hence, corporate governance is one of the most important management issues of its management policy. TN will further promote compliance management and further improve our corporate value from now on.